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Short Podiatry Appointment

Podiatry appointment

Short Appointment - £40.00

A 20 minute appointment for Registered Patients who have just one problem to sort out!

Click here to arrange an appointment at Raleigh Park Clinic


If you've seen Felicity for a full assessment, and just have one recurring problem to keep on top of, you can attend a

Short Podiatry Appointment (15-20 minutes)

If you are eligible for this appointment, Felicity will have offered it to you at the end of your Initial Assessment.


Receive a professional and thorough treatment, but this is just to address one particular problem. 

This can be: - 

- an ingrown nail on one toe that is not infected
- a nail surgery or wound*** redressing
- one thickened or fungal toenail
- one corn

- a toenail trim & file for non-pathological nails (no fungus, not thickened, 'normal' nails)

If time allows, a relaxing foot massage will be included.

If you have more than one problem to address, or an absolutely enormous corn (!) or require all of your toenails to be treated plus one or more of the problems listed above, please book a Follow-Up Appointment (30 minutes) so that a full treatment can be performed.

Medicaments and/or referral letter relating to your management will be chargeable if indicated. Examples include, a topical treatment for verruca (NB: Verrutop is an additional £10), a broad-spectrum antifungal cream for athlete's foot, sending a fungal nail sample for microscopy & culture*, a moisturising foot cream for dry feet, a basic deflective insole or bespoke silicone toe prop or interdigital wedge (to take the pressure off areas prone to callus and corns). ** 

All appointments are at:-

Raleigh Park Clinic
Raleigh Park Road


For follow-up appointments, all additional devices (e.g. Bland-Rose silicone toe props, removable felt props, animal wool, heel pads), insoles, creams and some medicaments (e.g. silver nitrate) will incur nominal further charges.

*via your GP.  

** if you require multiple 'extras' these will be chargeable.


*** dressings may incur an additional £5 fee

Mosaic or particularly widespread verrucas will also require a 30 minute follow-up.

"Felicity is friendly, cheerful and highly professional, and I would strongly recommend (her)" from

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